POLICY OF SAM QUEST- Journal of Emerging Innovations

Journal Policies

Processing Fee

The journal charges a processing fee of Rs. 500 (students), Rs. 800 (PhD/ Research Scholars), and Rs. 1200 (Faculty Members), Rs. 2500 (Industry/ Company), $50 (International Faculty).

Open Access Statement

SAM Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Research is an open-access journal. The articles published in the journal can be freely distributed as per the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode) (As per the Budapest Open Access Initiative and reaffirmed in 2012 BOAI-10). However, any research or work published in the journal should be duly quoted/ acknowledged in subsequent publications.

Editorial Policies

The SAM Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Research is committed to following ethics of publication at all stages of the review and publication process as per the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal publication committee expects the authors, reviewers, and editors to strictly follow the journal’s ethical policy. We also expect our reviewers and editors to follow the journal’s ethical policy in processing the received manuscripts.

Publication Ethics

It is the responsibility of the journal to assure the readers that they are reading an original article. Any article that is submitted to the journal overlapping with already published or under review or in press or any other electronic form will be considered to be a duplicate or redundant publication. It is a violation of the APA Ethics Code (https://www.apa.org/ethics/code). Hence, such publications will be rejected or retracted (if published) and the journal will send a notice/ information of the same to the concerned authorities of submitter’s affiliation.

Ethics Committee Approval

SAM Global Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research suggests that all those submissions dealing with animal or human data must include the details of the ethical committee approval in the “Methods” section. The authors are requested to submit a valid clearance certificate from the regulatory ethical committee of the organization wherein the work is accomplished.

Consent Form

SAM Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Research suggests that those studies that involve the participation of patients or healthy persons to other subjects that are part of the experimental or survey studies should take permission from the volunteer in the form of a consent form. The details of the same should be mentioned in the manuscripts.

Conflict of Interest

The authors are suggested to reveal any financial interests/ funding of the work. Also, the authors must state about any conflict between the authors.

Copyright Policy

By submitting the manuscript to the journal, authors agree to the copyright policy of the journal, and the copyright to the above work (including without limitation, the right to publish the work in whole, or in part, in any and all forms) is hereby transferred to the journal, to ensure widest dissemination and protection against infringement. No proprietary right other than copyright is proclaimed by the journal.

By submitting the manuscript to the journal, the authors also declare that:

  • The manuscript submitted is an original work and has neither been published in any other peer-reviewed journal nor is under consideration for publication by any other journal. More so, the manuscript does not contravene any existing copyright or any other third-party rights.
  • The corresponding author(s) and/ or the main author take full responsibility of any plagiarism or ethics issue, if arise at some stage of the publication and even after the manuscript is published.
  • I / we are the sole author(s) of the manuscript and maintain the authority to enter into this agreement and the granting of rights to the journal does not infringe any clause of this agreement.
  • The manuscript contains no such material that may be unlawful, defamatory, or which would if published, in any way whatsoever; violate the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement.
  • I/we have taken due care that the scientific knowledge and all other statements contained in the manuscript conform to true facts and authentic formulae and will not if followed precisely, be detrimental to the user.
  • I/we permit the adaptation, preparation of derivative works, oral presentation, or distribution, along with the commercial application of the work..

Plagiarism Policy

All the manuscripts received by the editorial office will be checked for their original work by checking the plagiarism. The journal policy considers paraphrasing of text, concepts, and ideas as plagiarism. Also, if any text, data, images are used without due permission from the publishers, it will be categorized under plagiarism. Usually less than 10% plagiarism is accepted in the manuscript. The manuscript will be rejected by the editorial board without undergoing the review process and also report to the concerned authority of the organization from where the manuscript is submitted.

Privacy Statement

The editorial board states that the names and email addresses mentioned in the journal will be used only for the purposes of the journal and will not be used for any other purpose.

Print/ Online

The journal is published online only and no hard copies will be provided to the authors. The published articles can be downloaded from the journal webpage linked to the SAM Global University website. However, the university may print some hard copies of the journal for its internal use.

Authors Guidelines

The submitted manuscripts should be proofread and should develop thematically along the following lines:

Font and Typography:

  1. Font- Times New Roman
  2. Font Size- 12
  • Spacing- Double

Page Margin and Dimension:

  1. Page Alignment- Normal (1 inch on all sides)
  2. Page Size: A4
  3. Page Number- Middle of the Page (bottom)

Title Page:

  • Title: The title should be concise yet descriptive of the study. It should give an idea about the research presented in the manuscript giving a clear picture to the readers.
  • Affiliations: The correct affiliations of all authors should be clearly mentioned along with complete postal address including City, Pincode, State and Country. Use lowercase superscript letters to denote different affiliations if there are multiple authors from different institutions.
  1. Corresponding Author: The corresponding author should be the same person as the submitting author. His/ her working and/ or official email id should be clearly mentioned. He/ she should be responsible for handling all correspondence related to the review and publication process.

Abstract: Summarize your research in about 300 words. The abstract should be concise and focus on important highlights of the manuscript. There will be no references and non-standard abbreviations in the abstract.

Keywords: Provide 5 keywords relevant to the manuscript. These should help the other researchers to look for your work while searching on the internet. Avoid using those words used in title. Do not use those words which are non-relevant to the study.

Main Manuscript Structure: There are no page limits to the manuscript but the authors are requested to present their papers in concise manner limiting to a few paragraphs. Divide the manuscript in to sections and/ or headings. It helps in clear visualization of the manuscript. Short communication may or may not have sections/ headings.

Figures and Tables: Arrange each figure in the center of the manuscript with a caption placed directly below it. Quote the figures in the text in order of their appearance. Submit the tables as editable text instead of images. It is essential to maintain a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) for all figures. Each figure should have a concise legend describing the figure. The caption should provide enough information for readers to understand the content and significance of the figure without referring back to the main text. This will help in easier formatting and editing by the editorial team. Number your tables consecutively in the order of their appearance in the text.

Acknowledgments: Include a separate section at the end of your article specifically for acknowledgments. This section should precede the references and serve as a space to acknowledge individuals or organizations that have provided assistance, support, or contributions to the research or the publication process

Funding Sources: When listing funding sources for your research, it is important to adhere to a standard format. Provide a comprehensive list of all funding sources that have supported your research. This includes grants, scholarships, fellowships, or any other financial support received from external organizations or institutions. Clearly state the name of the funding source and any associated grant or award numbers, if applicable. “No Funding” Statement: If your research did not receive any funding

Declaration of Competing Interest: The journal expects the corresponding author to declare any competing interests. This will help the managing editors in the selection of reviewers.


References (APA Format):

  1. Journal Articles with DOI

Hibbett, D. S., Ohman, A., & Kirk, P. M. (2009). Fungal ecology catches fire. New Phytologist, 279-282. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03042.x

  1. Journal Articles without DOI

Hibbett, D. S., Ohman, A., & Kirk, P. M. (2009). Fungal ecology catches fire. New Phytologist, 279-282.

  • Books

Kalia, V. C. (Ed.). (2015). Quorum sensing vs quorum quenching: a battle with no end in sight (No. 11616). New Delhi: Springer India.

  • Book Chapters

Sharma, R., &Jangid, K. (2014). Fungal quorum sensing inhibitors. In Quorum sensing vs quorum quenching: a battle with no end in sight (pp. 237-257). New Delhi: Springer India.

Final Checklist:

  1. Verify Files
  2. Check Manuscript Components
  • Verify Citations
  1. Spell and Grammar Check
  2. Reference Consistency
  3. Permission for Copyrighted Material
  • Competing Interest Statement
  • Referee Suggestions and Contact Details
  1. Plagiarism Check

Reviewer Guidelines

Reviewer for SAM QUEST- Journal of Emerging Innovations plays an important role in maintaining and enhancing the quality of the journal through the publications selected for publication. The journal thanks the reviewers for their contributions and to facilitate the review process, we have outlined certain guidelines:

Acceptance of Review Invitation: Upon receipt of a review invitation, please promptly determine your ability to review the manuscript. Kindly decline the invitation, if you are unavailable.

Confidentiality: Maintain the confidentiality of the review process.

Review Process: Start by reading the manuscript abstract and introduction to get an overview of the research. Evaluate the methodology: is it sound and adequately detailed? Assess the results: do they support the conclusions? Are the data analyses correct? Consider the discussion and conclusions: do they link back to the presented data and existing literature? Review the references for completeness and accuracy.

Providing Constructive Feedback: Be professional and respectful in your comments.

Review ReportSummary: Give a review report to the editor-in-chief.

Timely Review: Please submit your review within the timeline provided.

Editor Guidelines

Role of Editors: The role of an editor at SAM QUEST- Journal of Emerging Innovations is to manage the peer review process, make decisions on manuscripts, and uphold the journal’s policies and standards.

Confidentiality: Editors must maintain confidentiality about the manuscripts they handle. Information about a manuscript should only be disclosed to those involved in the review process.

Conflict of Interest: If an editor has a conflict of interest regarding a specific manuscript, they should recuse themselves from handling that manuscript.